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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2009-07-21 Drinking English beer at Dausse

After bringing back the 3rd Butcombe Beer for Fredrick and Almuth's collection, we then had the unenviable task of having to empty the whole 5 litres, still we brought friends to help with the task ! well done Roger & Cheryl !
Here are some pictures of the day and the whole collection, for those who haven't seen it....

Monday, July 20, 2009

2009-07-20 Some more Cailho wildlife images

A snake under Mario's car, she wasn't happy !!

I think it was a monpellier snake, but it was too fast to ID quickly...
A large odd beetle, possibly like a Maybug, quite big, that's Dave's foot at the top !!

Sorry this is not wildlife, this is Amelle making baskets at her market stall.

This is also not 'wildlife' but a nice scene on route to a artisan Fête.

Is it Bill or is it Ben? we had two of these , caterpillers but unfortunatly never saw the butterflies.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

2009-07-19 The Lintel over the Doorway

Replacing the lintel over the door. Tricky and dangerous !

This is after the lintel was replaced with a new lintel, nicked from Aniks pile of chestnut beams which she has just had taken out of her convenient !
Back to the over door repair, i must apologise for the order of these photos !
Here is what we found when we knocked the cement off over the doorway!
This is the support Dave had to put in to support the chimney stack, as the original had no means of support that we could see.......

Friday, July 17, 2009

2009-07-17 Insecticiding the new floor boards

Well it seemed a good idea, just pour the insecticide into a trough and dip the helps if your plastic sheeting doesn't spring a leak !! like mine did, oh well no insects on the terrace for a few years......
drying the boards in the sun,

This is where it started to go horribly wrong, as you will see later, or may already have seen.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

2009-07-16 Removing the chimney

Sorry, i have got these in reverse order.......

so its gone, going, going ok......I'm sure you'll all cope !!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2009-07-11 Return to Cailho

a few images of why we love this place SO much!

Scarce swallowtail feeding on lavender

caterpillar of the swallowtail (scarce but not the scarce) feeding on fennel

Dave and the van we have come to know as Victoria (don't ask)
a very tired Kiwi
Aniks house minus its lovely (but dangerous)stone roof.........

Friday, July 10, 2009

2009-07-10 Jane & Frank 's House & Bread oven!

Here is the garage of our friends Jane & Frank , actually it's their home at the mo. as like us they are doing major work on their house.......unfortunately we forgot to take a picture of their 'real' house!!! sorry !We arrived the day their roofers were finishing, so as this calls for a celebration we were invited to join in, and here is the bread oven being lit, for pizzas, and the following pictures as it gets going.......

2 Janes get chopping

and preparing the pizzas
The builders, Jane & Frank

after the fire has gone.......

and a beautiful black butterfly, is it a very dark ringlet?? (andrew??)
One for Jane's brother, a metal sculpture of a praying mantis the traffic lights !

Thursday, July 09, 2009

2009-07-09 Driving back through France

Driving past millions of sunflowers

Intermarche.....just to prove its France!! the van we bought in UK did very well and was surprisingly comfortable given the first test drive was 11 hours.......