So the Mairie finally found the money to re-tarmac our little rd.....late November they came and scrapped the road, then all went quiet....we were promised a start 6th Dec......then after the 17th......still nothing....then it was Christmas, and New year........eventually a new notice was put on the board to say after 17th January.......but on the morning of Monday the 17th in thickish fog, the machinery arrived......its now Friday and they have nearly finished all the way to St Etienne......here are some pics for those who are sad enough (like us) to be excited by this !!!!
Monday 17th Jan

this is the truck that sprayed the road with tar before the tarmac went down, it left a nice sticky mess for hours before it was covered up......

The lorries reversed up to the tarmac laying machine and then moved in tandem whilst tipping their loads.....

look at the notice board on the pole !!!

the little tank of water following behind the roller, is spraying the roller to stop it sticking to the tarmac......

wow wow wow !!!

from inside the village

I want to sing, "follow the yellow brick road" whenever i see this photo (must be the drugs!!)

Dave climbed up a long way to get this picture going down the mountain.....don't forget these lorries have to REVERSE up to the machine !

And squeeze under the rail bridge !!

Nice JOB.....pastis all round we think !