A few wildlife piccys first……..
Mr Toad (of course) who lives on our doorstep, under the outside light which drops him the odd moth or two at night.
He thinks we cant see him :O)
Here is one of his friends we think (different nose!) making itself comfortable in one of my strawberry runner pots….we it was nice and damp on a hot day…
Spotted this prize strutter going up to Le Sahuc one day, we don’t see a lot of these…….pheasants around here.
This wasp type insect was drinking the water from our leaking water tank, never seen one like this before….or since. look at that waist girls ! Anyone know what I can name this one?
Les Tomates ………….These are the Coeur de bœuf , (the really fat ones) from Rogers plants (thanks Roger!) also there are some ‘Cornue des Andes’ (long ones) supplied by Rogers neighbour….. I did grown the St Pierre's myself and bought a few extra Coeur de boeuf ……..the yellow ones were also from Roger. The peppers/ chillies I grew, and the one courgette was all my own growing, you may need a magnifying glass for that !
Feast your eyes…………
That’s 700g or 1.08 pounds (whatever that is!)
The beautiful hibiscus which was given to me is in flower again, and as I am writing this on 9th OCTOBER it is coming into flower for a third time….
Very few mushrooms this year AS YET……these 3 ceps and a handful of St Michaels……I dried these, and we had the others in a mixed omelette.
lovely blue colour when you first cut them, fades as they dry.
This was a surprise, I first thought that a snail had crawled inside the cob of the sweetcorn…….but this is actually A corn (normal one beside it for size comparison) its a fungus which distorts the growth, you will see in the next two pictures it was filled with black powder like spores……no I didn’t breathe whilst taking these photos…..