My two beautiful grandchildren……..
Good job the men were there to build the scooter…..
How very elegant !
New bag, scarf and scooter.
A bit big for that now !
The children's school play this year was A CIRCUS ! they had all been having lessons since October, and the whole school was involved, so several hours of circus acts followed, several of which I do not have photos of………but here is a taster.
Getting her hair done !! (by Granny, who has never done girls hair before!!)
One of the Clowns !
some of the equipment that the children used…….
These children are using Diablo's and they were very good !!
This one was the balancing, guess who’s good at that ??
Here he is again, in the chorus at the end…..
Later at the bingo, with Nuttella on crepes uuuuuummmmmmmmmmm
Nearly time for bed….
After we got home to Cailho, and before another round of lotto/bingo on the 24th, I did a full roast beef dinner, not bad on the Yorkshire pud’s hey ? Respond and i’ll tell you the secret !!!!
Our lotto/bingo, note the use of ancient bingo cards and maize as markers (which was probably used during the war, oh no i mentioned the war !!!)
Thanks Tom & Karine for our Christmas present, the birds are equally as pleased, they have been forming a queue, like at Heathrow airport !!!
Blue tits, Great tits and we think Marsh tits so far……
First flower of 2012……… memory of Arthur ………….RIP 2/1/2012 .