Amongst the chaffinch flock a Hawfinch !
First days of snow, just on the mountain tops.
A couple of Bramlings also flying with the Chaffinches.
A Siskin.
Snow started to fall on the 16th.
Brambling under the feeder.
Marsh tit.
Brambling ON the feeder.
Don’t know which one of us was more surprised, I was taking pictures at the door, and this blue tit flew up and was searching for insects.
Then HE/SHE saw ME !!
in the first pic you can still see the little bits of snow on its head.
Robin and Skyrocket Great Tit.
Later on the 16th
Marie-O in the snow.
Chaffinches waiting for their food !
Night of the 16th.
Our cherry tree.
Morning of the 17th and the wind is starting.
Cailho in the Snow.
Here are 2 videos that Dave took driving up the mountain….
St. Etienne d’ Albagnan.
Morning of the 18th…….Red sky in the morning !
Drifting snow behind the house, compost bins have disappeared !
Ummmm where have the birds gone…..
Clearing up.
Bonne Homme d’ Neige.
Olive tree in the snow.