Eventually after more rain this tumbled down as far as the cold frame……but not further !
A Chinese hornet was found to be building her nest just outside Julie and Simons door, days before their arrival…….so we warned them and Simon bravely disposed of it !! Julie hid behind the curtain…….oh yes you did )
Dave went to the UK to celebrate his brother Johns 70th birthday…
Mike and Sarah and they are guinea pigs for my new tilt view………ha ha !
Dave then continued up to Ruddington to see my Dad on his 83rd birthday.
Present is the fishy looking padlock !
Potatoes need earthing up !
Hard work, good exercise !
Beds ready for tomatoes, sweet corn and courges……..leeks in foreground.
Sweet corn bed in progress
Finished ! some of the photos of studio, building and town forming the advert. (sorry if some are repeats from last months” Revamp-ING the studio”.
Sitting on the third stone from the bird table a cirl bunting
Very large wood louse
fly/faux wasp ??
Wild granny bonnets………..
A blue butterfly
Lambs…some white, some brown, and ONE half and half !!