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Thursday, July 31, 2014
2014-07-29 Rain, rain and more rain !!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
2014-07-29 Troubles with Vegetables ?
I planted about 40 Basil and had a good crop, but gradually through rain and slug damage it has reduced to just these 4……..hope they survive.
Avocados are something I dreamed of growing, but not like this……in the compost heap !….we dig out nearly all the stones which are sprouted and pot them up, they dont survive the winters here, so they are kept indoors for that…..then I think they need grafting for a fruit producing plant ? ….plus the roots really “knot up” the compost making it nearly impossible to turn…I am going to have to discard all my avocado stones elsewhere as they are a nuisance because they GROW !
Mystery squash……..I bought 2 “pumpkin plants” one is fine….but this is the other…..any ideas or is it a cross, and if so is it edible ?? There are 5 like this on this one plant !
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
2014-07-22 RIP Eddy Lizard
SO the cat caught this beautiful lizard which very foolishly lived under our door step…….it was an Eyed Lizard, which can grow to 45cm…this was a baby at about 20cm, but she must have damaged him too badly as he died ……NASTY CAT !
Sunday, July 20, 2014
2014-07-20 A vide grenier, and a drive behind the Caroux.
127000, 14 years and still going strong )
There was a Vide Grenier (car boot sale) in St Martin de l’ Arcon, we took these pictures from the village. Bought 2 very nice metal plant trough holders (for the new balustrades !) and a goldfish bowl….possibly for orchids???
And these as we had a little excursion around the back of the Caroux, this is heather on a mountain.
Mike and Sarah
Dave and Mike scaling the heights……
Dave using the panoramic facility on the camera !
Saturday, July 19, 2014
2014-07-19 Putting back the (half) painted balustrade….
As mike was here to help, Dave and he got the balustrade back in place, with its first coat of white paint on.
Looking good…..and the balustrades not bad either !
Friday, July 18, 2014
2014-07-18 Kayaking in the L’Orb, with Mike and Sarah.
Mike and Sarahs visit included a trip down the Orb in a kayak……..First prepare the body……..very hot today dont want to get sunburnt !
Dave too….I have already done his back : O)
And the legs…..
getting ready at Roquebrun ……lovely lifejackets.
On the river……….
Waiting at the pit stop, with the picnic
Picnic !
Back to the boats…….ship ahoy !
Watch this …….its hilarious (sorry Mike ) !!!!!
After the picnic the boys re-launch themselves into the river…….eventually !!!