Here is the sunrise at Cailho 29th July
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
2008-07-24 Lightning !
2008-07-23 Roland and Dave 'Tour de France' stage
Roland (my nephew) and Dave arrive at Cailho, on their charity bike ride from LANDS END to ROME please support them if you can, the details of their ride and the charity can be found at so far they have raised £850 their target is £2000 !
Arriving............. after turning down the offer of a lift they cycled up from St. Etienne, those of you who have been here will appreciate the climb......
After a well deserved shower and glass of water...honest mum it was !
Modeling the latest fashion from Daves that EVERYTHING could be washed...umm very stinky!
Ro preparing to leave next morning, nice and clean refreshed and full of curry.....also the left over curry in his back pack !
Farewell, bonne route, good luck !!!
Roland (my nephew) and Dave arrive at Cailho, on their charity bike ride from LANDS END to ROME please support them if you can, the details of their ride and the charity can be found at so far they have raised £850 their target is £2000 !
Arriving............. after turning down the offer of a lift they cycled up from St. Etienne, those of you who have been here will appreciate the climb......
Modeling the latest fashion from Daves that EVERYTHING could be washed...umm very stinky!
Monday, July 21, 2008
2008-07-21 Garden & more wildlife in Cailho
The lavender is very dense this year, its almost a hedge!
The veg plot is looking good under the ash tree for shade
the marrow like plants are potimarron, which is a pumpkin! The plants just the other side of the lettuce are chick peas, these are just flowering but i have some more I planted earlier so I must look up what to do now they have peas in them!!

This interesting looking creature, did not last long after i found out it is a type of scale bug, which infests pittisporum (here) AND citrus trees.....oh no, not the lemon tree !!
and this is a thread waisted wasp.......................Kate Moss eat your heart out !!
She/He has built a nest under the outside staircase, with mud and adds a new chamber every so often, i am trying to film it !!
We do have other intruders at the moment, hornets, which are very timid until you get near their nest, unfortunately they have built it under our tiles, above our bedroom, (we are directly under the tiles ) and keep coming through into the bedroom by mistake, i hope they don't think we are too close to their nest !!
the marrow like plants are potimarron, which is a pumpkin! The plants just the other side of the lettuce are chick peas, these are just flowering but i have some more I planted earlier so I must look up what to do now they have peas in them!!
She/He has built a nest under the outside staircase, with mud and adds a new chamber every so often, i am trying to film it !!
2008-07-21 Sunrise & Sunset
2008-07-17 plants,insects,views
This is the flower of the pomegranate, we bought one last year and didn't really expect it to survive the winter, but here it is !! we may even get fruit if we are lucky......
these are snails near Pezenas they spend the summer like this its called aestivation i think, people collect them like this to eat....
This is the first 'proper' Swallowtail to visit this summer, she laid eggs, but we have no babies yet !
However talking of babies, Trumpet a small black curly haired dog from the village, has had 3 puppies.............there is suspicion that the Daddy MAY be a black and white 'pointer' like dog, if you are reading this Francine & Christian, do you recognize your dog perhaps !!!???

Lastly for July there is one image of France never to forget.......the sunflowers or Tournesol as they are called here.
Lastly for July there is one image of France never to forget.......the sunflowers or Tournesol as they are called here.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
2008-07-10 Guests
Ann came to visit, and we spent a day in Beziers, this was taken in the grounds of the Cathedral, Ann is posing between Bill & Ben.............
Here she is working ,shortening the bead curtain, now I have lots of spare wooden beads for a necklace!!
Mark and Kelly joined us on the 15th and we visited Dausse..............
Here are Ann and Almuth making waffles.........

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
2008-07-01 wild life in Cailho, and some of kiwis catches !!
Here is the first of Kiwi's catches, fortunately all lizards this year have been delivered alive........
This is the beautiful quaking grass we have growing wild here........
Another of the 'presents'
A very obliging 'cone head' preying mantis............
and my best picture of a butterfly yet...............its a Black veined white....quite a boring name for such a beauty, the wings were iridescent and it seemed ghost like when it flew !

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