The lavender is very dense this year, its almost a hedge!

The veg plot is looking good under the ash tree for shade
the marrow like plants are potimarron, which is a pumpkin! The plants just the other side of the lettuce are chick peas, these are just flowering but i have some more I planted earlier so I must look up what to do now they have peas in them!!

This interesting looking creature, did not last long after i found out it is a type of scale bug, which infests pittisporum (here) AND citrus trees.....oh no, not the lemon tree !!

and this is a thread waisted wasp.......................Kate Moss eat your heart out !!
She/He has built a nest under the outside staircase, with mud and adds a new chamber every so often, i am trying to film it !!
We do have other intruders at the moment, hornets, which are very timid until you get near their nest, unfortunately they have built it under our tiles, above our bedroom, (we are directly under the tiles ) and keep coming through into the bedroom by mistake, i hope they don't think we are too close to their nest !!
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