Squeaky has decided to join the circus, here he is practising his balancing act !!!

This little fellow is still a mystery, he looks like a tiny mantis/fly the forearms are damaged on this one, but we don't see many of these, so this is the best we have got!
that is Dave's fingers on the outside of the box to give SOME idea of size......

Defiantly a cricket, or is it a grasshopper ??? anyway its quite big this one........

Here we have the result of the Swallowtails efforts, recorded earlier in this Blog, a very hungry caterpillar, I hope I have SOME fennel left after he's flown....

This is a thread waisted wasp in England and a Mason wasp in France, The French name is obvious, she/he started building this construction about a month ago this is about the 6th chamber, she/he packs them with spiders and an egg, and seals up the hole with a mud like substance.
The English name comes from the extremely thin body.
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