We have a new visitor to the garden, not a colourful Hummingbird Moth, but a Broad Bordered Bee Moth !!!
It flys in exactly the same way as a humming bird moth, which is why it is difficult to photograph....
Scarce swallowtail, have had plenty of these this year, but very few of the yellow ones.
Hummingbird moth, not as large as this picture might have you believe..
We think this 'orrible thing is a 'Tong' a french horsefly, it gives a nasty bite which bleeds badly and itches like mad, which is better than the fate of this unfortunate hummingbird moth.
This is what is left after a cicada hatches, that's probably not the right term, but you can see where it has escaped through the back,like a dragonfly.
Here it is again for dramatic effect!
We have a lot of Funnel web spiders this year, don't worry they are not like their Aussie cousins these we think are called Hobos......we think !!
2 Greater Banded greylings, on MY peg bag......
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