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Sunday, September 29, 2013

2013-09-29 Collecting chestnuts at DAUSSE !

Anyone who has been to us, and done this trip will be eager to view these photos…i feel sure !

Dad, these chestnuts you requested……….this is what we all had to do !!SAM_0352

Queen Jean  ( a lovely picture i think)

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Mum trying to pretend that Frederic is not sitting there in just his boxers !


The chestnut hunt, its not quite as good as a treasure hunt, and you must clear up behind you, that is all the shells , leaves,twigs, odd bits of grass…….all ready for the burning, we must do ! (that when a bit Yoda then:O))


We did get some good sized ones, but then again a lot are like this , this year.

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Frederic leading the way to yet more chestnut trees (the reason we had to search is that the season is a least 2 weeks late this year, chestnut gathering in November, I hope no one is visiting ???????? Ha Ha don’t worry M&S we will be safe at Cailho !SAM_0368


the climb was a bit much for mum, so we sat on a rock, and then returned to the table…..


where Frederic regaled us with tales of………….well mum tried to get a word in, but gave up, as you can see :O)

Here Frederic is writing the wrong names on the wrong bags, but there is no stopping him !

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OY ! who’s that running off with my husband ??



someone tell Dave holding hands, is NOT helping someone up a mountain side :O)

After all that, and it was over 2 hours (yes we got off lightly) I forgot to take a picture of the CHESTNUTS !

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