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Thursday, August 08, 2013

2013-08-08 August in the garden

Firstly apologies for the lack of photos this month, our camera broke and we ordered a part to repair it, which took an age to arrive, and when it did, it was not the right bit…..:O(

So we bought a new camera, quicker (and cheaper) in the long run ! So some of the pictures may be a bit whacky as we have had to try out ALL the different  modes on the new camera :O)



An EXTREMELY diligent ant carrying a dead cricket , vertically up the side of our water tank……he had several attempts before succeeding this far ! 

P1050552 P1050558

Two slightly fuzzy pictures of the “Broad bordered bee hawk moth” similar to the humming bird moth, and just as quick :O)


Storm arriving……..

P1050568 P1050569

I thought it was a big beetle at first, then realised it was moving too quickly, turned out to be a Pigmy shrew, first one we have seen, I have reason to believe the cat has seen many more ! (sorry about picture quality, it was through a plastic pot)

 Re-exposure of P1050574 Re-exposure of P1050572Re-exposure of P1050579

Les tomates.





Cailho, my Cailho !

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